CAT II- Classroom Applications at St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring

CAT II – Classroom Applications. Practical  information for catechists on their role as formators in the Faith. The course includes  learning to create lesson plans, communication with parents and how to engage them in religious instruction, material delivery at age-appropriate levels, and more. This course will be presented by Peggy Place and is scheduled from 8:30AM-12:30PM, on Saturdays,  August 19 & 26, 2017 at St. Ignatius Loyola, Sinking Spring.

Cost: $30.

CAT II - Classroom Applications at Assumption BVM, Bethlehem

CAT II – Classroom Applications. Practical  information for catechists on their role as formators in the Faith. The course includes  learning to create lesson plans, communication with parents and how to engage them in religious instruction, material delivery at age-appropriate levels, and more. This course will be presented by Christina Durback and is scheduled from 8:30AM-12:30PM, on Saturdays, August 12 & 19, 2017 at Assumption BVM, Bethlehem.

Cost: $30.

ICF 201 - Prayer & Spirituality at Berks Catholic HS

Deepen your relationship with Christ by learning the fundamentals of a Catholic prayer life and spiritual dispositions.  Participants will examine what it means to pray, why we pray, and how to have a fruitful prayer life.  Practical exercises of traditional Catholic prayers and devotions will be covered so you will learn how to express yourself to God and how to hear his voice in your everyday life. This course will be presented by Fr.

ICF 105 - Christian Morality at Bethlehem Catholic HS

ICF 105 – Christian Morality. Learn not just the what, but the why, of the Church’s moral teachings. Participants will examine virtue, conscience formation and make application to contemporary moral issues in the areas of health care, sexuality and social justice. This course will be presented by Rev. Eric Gruber and is scheduled from 7:00PM-9:00PM, on Wednesdays, October 4,11, 18 & 25, 2017 at Bethlehem Catholic High School.

Cost: $30.

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