Faith and Spirits: For Better... Or Worse??

The Office of Adult Formation and the Office of Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministry are joining together to present Faith and Spirits and Theology on Tap together in March for this special topic! For Better… Or Worse?? Join us as Deacon Rick Lanciano discusses the questions: Why get married?  Is it worth it? This will take place on Monday, March 20, 2017 from 6:30-8:30PM at the Allentown Brew Works – 812 Hamilton Street, Allentown.  There is no charge for attending Faith and Spirits/Theology on Tap. Allentown Brew Works will have menus available for ordering food and drink at your expense. No reservations are necessary. Seating is first-come, first served. For questions email [email protected] or call 610-289-8900 ext. 21

For Better... Or Worse?? Flyer