
Thank you for your interest in giving to the ministries and apostolates of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Allentown. This page will provide you with more information about the giving opportunities available to you. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Stewardship and Development via phone, 800-831-4443, or email. 

Make a Legacy Gift through FreeWill

A legacy gift in your will, known as a bequest, costs nothing today and will sustain the mission of your Catholic parish, school, or ministry for generations to come. This online estate planning tool from our partner, FreeWill, can help you create your will for free and easily include a legacy gift.

Click here to learn more and get started.

Support your Parish

Visit your parish website to give directly to the parish online. You can find a parish by clicking here.

Other Ways to Give

Because We Are Catholic Annual Appeal (BWAC)

Click on the button below to give and learn more about BWAC.

Because We are Catholic  Annual Appeal

Or donate by mail:
Please send your contribution to:

Because We Are Catholic Annual Appeal (download a pledge form PDF)
P.O. Box F
1515 Martin Luther King Drive
Allentown, PA 18105-1538

The Endowment for the Care of Retired Priests

Click on the button below to give and learn more about the endowment for the care of retired priests.

Retired priests

Or donate by mail: 
Please send your contribution to:

Priests Endowment (download a pledge form PDF)
P.O. Box F
1515 Martin Luther King Drive
Allentown, PA 18105-1538

Seminarian Fund

Click on the button below to give and learn more about the seminarian fund.

Seminarian Funs

Or donate by mail: 
Please send your contribution to:

The Seminarian Fund (download a pledge form PDF)
P.O. Box F
1515 Martin Luther King Drive
Allentown, PA 18105-1538

Eastern Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation (EPSF)

Did you know? Through the Eastern Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation (EPSF), donors can re-direct their Pennsylvania state income tax liability to scholarship dollars for local Catholic schools. Click here for more information about the Tax Credit Program.

Planned Giving/Charitable Gift Planning

Planned giving allows you to support any parish or ministry within the diocese while achieving your personal financial goals. You may even find an option that lets you give more than you otherwise would have thought possible. For more information, contact:
Mrs. Ginny Downey at (610) 871-5200 or [email protected].

Click here to learn more about Planned Giving.

Make a Plan for All Your Assets

Did you know you may have additional assets not covered in your will or trust? If you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any additional accounts, these are called “non-probate assets,” and they need to be planned for separately.

Using this online tool, you can log all of your assets, name a Catholic parish, school, or ministry of your choice as a beneficiary, and receive printable instructions on how to set each one up with your broker.

Click here to learn more and plan your beneficiaries.

Notify the Diocese of a Legacy Gift

Have you included a gift in your will or trust to a Diocesan ministry? Please fill out this form so we can thank you for your lasting commitment and ensure our records are up-to-date.

Parish Stewardship (Time, Talent, Treasure)

Stewardship is the spirituality that everything we have is a gift from God. As stewards of God's gracious gifts we are called to return a portion of our time, talent and treasure back to the work of the Lord. For more information, contact:

Mrs. Michele Mullikin
(610) 871-5200 ext. 2282
[email protected]