Diocesan Commission for Women

The Commission for Women of the Diocese of Allentown exists to encourage and support the evangelization and discipleship of Catholic women. It provides opportunities for formation, prayer, and growth in Christian discipleship. 


Commission for Women Members

Chairperson: Kathleen Nevel | Sacred Heart, West Reading
Vice Chairperson: Kristin Osenbach | St. John XXIII, Tamaqua
Secretary: Celeste Behe | St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Hellertown
Treasurer: Helen Tran | St. Elizabeth, Whitehall
Linda Basso | Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Roseto
Michele Heim | St. Ignatius Loyola, Reading
Yessenia Hernandez | Sacred Heart, Allentown
Sarah Hesser | St. Ignatius Loyola, Reading
Beverly McDevitt | Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown
Lisa Perez | Notre Dame, Bethlehem


For information about the Commission for Women, please contact:

Mrs. Alexa Smith
[email protected]