News Release

Diocesan Administrator Is Elected
February 01, 2017

The 10-member Diocese of Allentown College of Consultors, a group of Diocesan priests, met this afternoon (Wednesday) to fulfill its canonical duty of electing a priest of the Diocese to serve as Diocesan Administrator, in the absence of a bishop. The former Bishop of Allentown John Barres was installed as Bishop of Rockville Centre, NY on January 31.

Theology On Tap Event To Discuss Faith In The Public Square
February 01, 2017

Is religion a private practice, or must we stand up for our faith in public?

Bishop Barres Farewell Mass Set for Cathedral This Sunday
January 17, 2017

A Mass of Thanksgiving and Farewell for the ministry and service of Bishop John Barres during his seven-and-a-half years leading the Diocese of Allentown will be held at the Cathedral of Saint Catharine of Siena in Allentown at 12 noon this coming Sunday, January 22.