Allentown Central Catholic on Virtual Learning through Wednesday



Allentown Central Catholic High School will switch to virtual instruction through Wednesday, February 3, after learning of three positive COVID-19 test results at the school this week. The school has reached out to the Allentown Health Bureau. 

The school will be deep-cleaned while school is not in session. The school will resume in-person instruction on Thursday, February 4.

There will be no extracurricular activities through Wednesday, February 3.

The following scheduled sporting events will be postponed:

Friday 1/29

Wrestling vs. Northwestern and Whitehall


Saturday 1/30

Boys Middle School vs Springhouse

Girls Basketball at Allen

Boys Basketball vs Allen

Wrestling at Executive Education


Monday 2/1

Boys Middle School Basketball at Eyer MS

Wrestling vs Parkland


Tuesday 2/2

Girls Basketball vs Allen

Boys Basketball at Allen

Boys and Girls Swim virtual meet


Wednesday 2/3

Boys Middle School Basketball at Orefield MS

Wrestling at Dieruff