Bishop Barres dedicates ‘Memorial to the Unborn’ at Kutztown University

By TARA CONNOLLY Staff writer

“The sanctity of human life is that foundation of every other human right, and our defense and promotion of the sanctity of human life of the unborn is critical to the future of our global society,” said Bishop of Allentown John Barres Nov. 4 during the dedication of the Memorial to the Unborn at Kutztown University (KU).

“We dedicate this Memorial to the Unborn at the Newman Center of Kutztown University at an important moment in American history. True leadership in every context fosters a respect for the sanctity of human life at every stage of life,” he said.

Prayers for the unborn were offered during the dedication and blessing of the statue, which is situated outside the university’s St. Christopher Catholic Newman Center.

Father Richard Brensinger, director of diocesan campus ministry and Catholic chaplain at KU and Albright College, Reading, said the statue replaced a deteriorating monument, pays respect to innocent lives lost through abortion and will serve as the site for an annual prayer service on All Souls Day.

In his remarks, Bishop Barres said that it is important to approach the fight with a merciful tone set by Pope Francis.

“This monument is erected to the memory of those innocents who have died unjustly, whose lives were taken from them while they grew silently in their mothers’ wombs,” he said.

The inscription on the memorial reads: “In loving memory of God’s unborn, denied the precious gift of life,” as well as a quote from Pope St. John Paul II, “God alone is the Lord of life, from its beginning until the end.”

The monument also features the coat of arms of the Diocese of Allentown and the insignia of Knights of Columbus in honor of the several diocesan councils that contributed to the memorial.

“One of the major ideals of the Knights of Columbus is to raise awareness of the plight of the unborn child, to get more people involved in the issue of life, and to hopefully one day bring an end to all abortion in our nation and our world,” said Father Brensinger.

“It is the hope that this memorial will strengthen the hearts of those devoted to saving life and change those hearts contemplating an abortion.”

Donations for the memorial can be mailed to Father Brensinger at St. Christopher Catholic Newman Center, 15207 Kutztown Road, Kutztown, PA 19530. For more information, call 610-683-8467 or email [email protected].