Catholic Grandparents on a Mission to Share Their Faith

Art and Jo Garcia, parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker, Orefield, love passing down family traditions, family stories and the Catholic faith to their grandchildren. Sharing family traditions and stories seemed effortless, so they set out to learn more about passing down the faith.

Bishop’s Rome Pilgrimage Shows Our Connection to Successor of Peter

Bishop Schlert traveled to Rome with his brother bishops from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. These periodic “ad limina” visits are required by the Vatican to bolster a bishop’s spirit, and to provide a tangible reminder of the unbroken connection from the Holy Father, as the successor of Peter, through the Bishops, to people in parishes back home.

A Give-and-Take With a Down-to-Earth Pope

“He listened intently to the comments of every bishop, and gave each of us a substantive response on the issues we raised,” said Bishop Schlert. He added that the Pope invited Bishops to speak from the heart, about what was on their minds, and about any questions they may have.

Local Director of Missionary Childhood Association Steps into Blogging

Holly Benner, mission education director for the Diocese of Allentown and national coordinator for Missionary Childhood Association, believes the glory of the Catholic faith and her journey to conversion needs to be shared, and has entered the blogging world to share her passion.

The Joys of Daily Mass

Many people who attend regular Mass on weekends report that when they try a weekday Mass, it’s a whole new experience. It’s often intimate, cozy and friendly.

Appeal Helps Religious Communities Care for Aging Members

The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held the weekend of Dec. 7-8 in the Diocese of Allentown.

Bishops in Rome

Bishop Alfred Schlert attended the Nov. 25 Mass at the Rome Basilica of St. Mary Major where Zubik preached the homily,

Cookies for Sale to Combat World Hunger

With the holiday season in full swing, diocesan parishes are engaging in a national ministry that is helping to feed the poor through simple cookie sales.

St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School Launches New STREAM Curriculum

Thanks to supporters of St. Ignatius Loyola Regional School, Sinking Spring, the elementary school broadened the popular STEM (acronym for science, technology, engineering and math) curriculum and instead launched an innovative curriculum called STREAM – science technology, religion, engineering, arts and math.

Independent Review Board Plays Key Role In Keeping Children Safe

A group of lay people with special expertise plays a key role in preventing abuse and keeping children safe in the Diocese of Allentown.