‘Thank God for the gift and blessing of Catholic schools’

Holy Family School, Nazareth began the final school day of Catholic Schools Week Jan. 30 with Mass celebrated by Bishop Alfred Schlert. The Bishop, who was scheduled to celebrate with them last year but was snowed out, fulfilled his promise to be with them this year.

Hundreds from Diocese join historic ‘March for Life’

“It's easy to feel alone as a pro-lifer in the secular world,” said Candee Holzman of St. Columbkill Parish, Boyertown, “but when you attend the march, you feel anything but alone and realize there's great hope for our country.

Nationally Known Speaker, Author, to Offer Public Programs on Bullying

Jodee Blanco is a bullying survivor, expert, advocate, and the author of the New York Times best-selling book “Please Stop Laughing at Me.” Her presentations are full of advice and information for anyone concerned about school bullying. The programs are free and open to the public.

New film about a search for Padre Pio and his miracles

The film from Aladino Productions called “We’ll Rise at Dawn,” set to premiere in the Philadelphia area on Thursday, March 12.There will be an introduction at 6:30 p.m., and the film will start at 7 p.m., at Ambler Theatre, 108 E. Butler Ave., Ambler.

Because We Are Catholic: Spreading God's love with nice, warm sweaters

William Shewalter’s “Sweaters for Seniors” project has collected more than 1,500 sweaters for residents of Reading area nursing homes.

Student essays affirm value of human life at every stage

A collaboration between the Secretariat for Catholic Life and Evangelization and the Knights of Columbus, the essay contest garnered more than 600 submissions from middle and high school students throughout the Diocese.

Stand up for Life First Place Senior Division winning essay

Katherine Joyce Blue Mountain High School St. Patrick Parish, Pottsville

Stand up for Life First Place Junior Division winning essay

Megan Reaman St. Jerome Regional School, Tamaqua St. Joseph Parish, Summit Hill

Bishop Schlert's Statement on New Archbishop of Philadelphia

“I offer my sincere congratulations to Archbishop-designate Nelson J. Perez on his appointment by Pope Francis as the next Archbishop of Philadelphia.

Diocese recognized for its expertise in processing education tax credit scholarships

Recognizing the Diocese of Allentown’s high level of service to donors who want to divert their state tax dollars to support Catholic education, the Diocese of Harrisburg will be using the Eastern Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation to process applications for its education tax credit program.