Healing Mass

The Healing Mass featuring Fr. James Blount, Spiritual Director, Confessor, and Charismatic at St. Thomas More church, 1040 Flexer Ave., Allentown will take place as scheduled.

ICF 106 - The Church Online

ICF 106 - The Church. The Church is the place of encounter between God and His people on earth. This course will provide a brief overview of the origins of the Church; Her identity as One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic; and what it means to be "the Body of Christ" on earth. This course will be presented Online by Cassie Boccardi and is scheduled from Monday, June 1 to Sunday, June 28, 2020.

Cost: $35.

ICF 105 - Christian Morality Online

ICF 105 – Christian Morality. Learn not just the what, but the why, of the Church’s moral teachings. Participants will examine virtue, conscience formation and make application to contemporary moral issues in the areas of health care, sexuality and social justice. This course will be presented Online by Rev. Eric Gruber and is scheduled from Monday, May 11 to Sunday, June 7, 2020.

Cost: $35.

ICF 104 - The Sacraments Online

ICF 104 — The Sacraments. The Sacraments are intimate, personal encounters between God and His people. This course will present an overview of these signs of God's love for us, by which He makes a personal connection with us and conveys grace - His very life within us. This course will be presented Online by Heather Maigur and is scheduled from Monday, April 20 to Sunday, May 17, 2020.

Cost: $35.

ICF 103 - The New Testament Online

ICF 103 – The New Testament. This course picks up the story of God's plan of salvation with an introduction to the Gospels, Apostolic preaching and the origins of the Church, concluding with the conversion, preaching and travels of St. Paul. This course will be presented Online by Rev. Daniel Kravatz and is scheduled from Monday, October 7 to Sunday, November 3, 2019.

Cost: $35.

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