Assumption B.V.M. of Slatington Offers Lenten Community Meal Raising Funds for Rice Bowl

From a quaint church in Slatington comes an extraordinary penitential meal and offering to Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl each Lenten season. Every Wednesday of Lent, the Altar and Rosary Society of Assumption B.V.M.

Sister Lisa’s 40-year Mission Spreads Love of Jesus Around the World

Reflecting on the year 1982, Sister Lisa Valentini remembers she was preparing to take final vows as a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (I.H.M.) and to teach religion to second-grade students in a Philadelphia Catholic school.

Church Welcomes 96 People Preparing to Become Catholic

Like a heaven-bound march of saints, a column of adults, adolescents, and children processed down the aisle of the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown, on the First Sunday of Lent.

Catholic to the Core: A Schoolwide Approach to Forming Faith

For Father Matthew Kuna, chaplain at Berks Catholic High School, Reading and assistant pastor at St. Catharine of Siena, Reading, the call to priesthood began while he was a student at Bethlehem Catholic High School.

Holy Ghost Parish in Bethlehem Attends March for Life

The annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. took place on Friday, January 19th, 2024. Wintery conditions threatened to dissuade attendees from marching, but thousands of dedicated protestors walked miles to the Capitol, despite the snow.

‘Cooks with Collars’ Full of Spiritual Moments

What will you get in a “Cooks with Collars” video that you won’t get from watching other cooking videos on TV or the internet?

Strong Academics and Individualized Programs at Schools in the Diocese

As we approach Catholic Schools Week 2024, diocesan schools prepare to show off the strong academics and individualized programs they offer to students across the Diocese.

Catholic Education 3.0 for a New Era of Schooling

This year’s celebration of Catholic schools comes at the right time. Whether one looks to conflict in the world or the negative tenor of discourse on social media, there are plenty of reasons to be discouraged.

An Advent Q&A with Bishop Schlert

During Advent, we prepare to celebrate Christmas, the Solemnity of the Nativity. Why does the Church give us four weeks to prepare for this celebration?

Learning to Wait in Advent

By Deacon Christopher May

“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” — John 14:23b